Nice to meet you!

I teach young job seekers to launch rewarding, high-potential careers that they love. Why? 20+ years of executive recruiting has shown me time and again that professionals often feel uninspired in their jobs; they aren’t doing what makes them feel energized or impactful. It’s a joy suck, and for such a critical part of one’s existence. I'd like to change that.

My decision to pivot and focus on up-and-coming professionals was prompted when my eldest daughter entered college several years ago. She and her classmates were incredibly excited by their classes and the opportunities ahead. Their enthusiasm and motivation were contagious. I wanted to transport that same feeling to her post-graduate experience. Hence, my Eureka moment.

I began the process of creating a step-by-step online course (combined with lots of support) to guide students through the career and job search process, from brainstorming to job search to offer acceptance. 

The happiest people I meet love what they do for work, and I want to add as many “happies” as I can to the world. It makes for a positive work and social environment – it’s good all around.

When not strategizing career dreams, I adore time with my family and our irreplaceable dog, exotic travel, crime novels, and Citibiking every inch of Manhattan. Frozen margaritas with extra lime are the cherry on top.

Cynthia Marie Photo


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